As everyone inherently wants to be on the winning side of an argument, the easiest way to achieve this is to create / follow / promote a favorable and deliberately vague slogan like; “I'm loving it” “support our troops” “just do it” “god is great” “democracy” or in this case “rape culture” which doesn’t actually mean anything. That way, everyone can join a group or discussion that everyone can be for, despite nobody knowing what it actually means because it doesn’t mean anything to begin with. With this foundation you can literally sell any idea to anyone, and they will fight to the death to protect it no matter how horrible the reality actually is.
Since the slogan means something different for everyone designed to attract the greatest number of supporters, you can manifest simple answers to complex problems down concrete social or moral lines ie “you're either your with us or against us”. However In order to protect the vague slogan you must however control the message, this is done by silencing or eliminating any attempt to clarify or define what the slogan actually means. Ie censorship.
After all, as a clearer definition is formed, the attraction to the masses will wain as with any clarity comes understanding, and through that understanding comes the ability to make an informed choice. If people are making informed choices as to what “I'm loving it” actually means.. is..”I'm loving gonzo high calories, and saturated fats in over processed food so full of chemicals that it doesn’t even biodegrade” ….then the support base will dissipate and the propaganda has failed to maintain a support base. Its really unfortunate that the reality is that these tools that are in use have been used for decades by governments, corporations, and churches It is how we the people to influence, control, sell, and shape the world around us in the manner we see fit. We are so experienced responding to these tools, that we employ them in our own lives as second nature demonstrated on the countless threads and discussions we see in our our friends feeds.
If the people who actively drive for support and cultural reform of sexual assault, and really do want to manifest some change. Then they must break free from the use of propaganda and arguments of intimidation and actually define, discuss, and be prepared to respond to those ideas that may undermine their belief system. This will however require listening to what is important to all parties, and not just forcing your dogma onto others in some black and white separation of for and against.