Simply I find religion to be an organized system of beliefs, cultural, or sociological ideologies that people use to relate to the world or define their existence. Within this belief structure, across all religions there are common elements that make up it's core. Faith, propagation, and fanaticism.
A religion is propagated by the indoctrination of others by the salesmanship of its members by pressing these structures upon others. Children are the most susceptible of indoctrination as they do not have the facilities to defend against alternative beliefs or lack the wisdom to determine what is true or false. There are temples, schools, places of worship, that further the education of these systems to converts to expand the base and by doing so spread the faith.
Zealots and fanatics of a religions dogma will protect the integrity of their belief systems by suppressing intellectual discourse, judge and/or condemn those who do not subscribe, commit acts of emotional or physical violence, or enact ostracism to those who challenge or disagree with their held beliefs. Sure there is spectrum that people will fall under; from a passive believer who simply thinks what they hold is true, and everyone else is wrong who are often biased and prejudiced to non-believers. To the zealots who are willing to martyr themselves or murder for their beliefs.
Though faith I feel is the secret sauce of any religion. It's what makes an ideology defensible from rational deconstruction. It is the faith that is the emotional bond to the ideas where all of the power and conviction the members come from. Emotion by definition is not logical, it is instinctive and intuitive. It is not necessary to be supported by facts or science, it is tangible because it is felt.
A new religion has emerged in the last 40 years far more dangerous than Scientology with their cult following, blackmail, and practices of manipulation. Employing shout-down tactics, shaming, and intangible guilt as its primary weapons of choice. This new religion defies rational discussion while empowering the weak with promises of privilege and justice. An elementary position of good verses evil, members flock to the alter of freedom of oppression with frightening speed now that the devil has been revealed.
Voltaire once said "to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" In this modern, educated, and free thinking age, the new institution above criticism are the Feminists.
I'm often bewildered at the conversations with feminists I read or come across these days. The first line of defense in questioning the validity of a feminism ideal is that you are demonized as a misogynist, victim- shamer, sexist, or suppressor of women's rights. Where the christian's faith is built on Jesus giving his life to forgive humanity for original sin. The feminist have their own Jesus, "patriarchy" where the original sin is now "Privilege".
Fortunately for the feminists, patriarchy like Jesus can not be seen or heard or touched, but it's always there ready to give justification support for whatever opinion you wish to manifest. Whether God hates fags or now watching porn is misogynistic. Never-mind that an omnipotent infallible being would be incapable of hate, or that female porn stars make 10x the money of their male counter parts do. Faith is an emotional construct that does not require logical consideration.
The IRS in their infinite wisdom have a collection of items that mandate if an entity is in fact a church, and by extension, a religion.
- Recognized creed and form of worship
- Formal code of doctrine and discipline
- Distinct religious history
- Membership not associated with any other church or denomination
- Organization of ordained ministers
- Ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study
- Literature of its own
- Established places of worship
- Regular congregations
- Regular religious services
- Schools for the preparation of its members
Clearly, feminism can claim a number of these published requirements. If you include that "women's studies" at any college or university support the schools for preparation requirements, the educators of those schools with their degrees provide the ordained ministers requirement, literature of it's own, creed and form of worship, as well as distinct history are pretty self evident going back to the early 60's. That leaves only regular congregations as the final requirement to be met. In my opinion, the social formals, coffee shop debate, protest rallies as well as the simple internet presence makes this requirement easy to accomplish.
The soft unpublished requirements to make a church are also present in the feminism is a religion claim.
- Fervent body of followers
- Bigotry or fascist implementation of the belief edicts
- Exclusionary to progressive thoughts or ideas
- Discriminatory to non-practitioners
- A tool for social or political control, or change
- Binary acceptance of the religion, you're ether for us or against us
- Fundamental hypocrisy
Like all religions there is a spectrum of the followers on how volatile their personal belief system is expressed. And of course not all feminists win the aggressive "femin-nazi" label just as very few Muslims or Christians are actually extremists murdering abortion doctors or waking jihad. Though the facts remains the same.
In our civilization, credence is given to this organization that under the guise of equality is politically forcing a doctrine of sexism on their fellow humans all the while showing it is sexism they are working to exterminate. If we continue to give these organizations of so called equalists deference, then the erosion of our society will continue unchecked until the pendulum swings back past "equality" and stops rigid at sexist, only at the other end of the spectrum.