Many through the decades have warned of the impending doom of censorship by the authorities who script their rules and tokens to curtail the masses into false hope and hollow dialogue. By mass surveillance or the police state, it was feared that the voices would be silent for fear of the retribution of the elite. Though it was self-censorship that came to be.
Here now in this world facts are indistinguishable from opinions, and only some opinions matter. As quickly as they ignite, they are as fleeting as butterflies in the wind. Though truth needs no salesmen, the truth is that we don't value truth anymore. We cling to fragments of ideals and visions of Avengers as though if we clap in all the right places, we will somehow win those principals for ourselves.
Where did this construct of the masses-can-not-be-wrong evolve from? Where a singular point of view, tunneled into a vision so narrow that it is as imperceptible to the universe as the atom is to the fork. How can such a narrow point ever influence the universe to affect a change or growth?
How many social endeavors do we now avoid, because of drama, or fear, or not being worth the hassle. I remember when we would engage in conversations, discussions, debates, and expand our consciousness through different points of view. Where your personal life experience had value, and didn't need to be validated by persons with opinions. There was no mob, innuendo was a pleasure, and we didn't write posts for responses only to delete them so not to attract attention.
Speaking clearly is misunderstood at best or a microaggression most often. Not issuing trigger warnings is intellectual terrorism, although saying nothing well, is leadership. We pull back from our communities to prevent the compromise of our integrity, though we leave behind a vacuum that is then filled with chaos, and fear, and hate, and apathy. The voice of reason is torn down amongst the statues of the old gods, and yet we fight for equality for only a few.
I know many will read this and agree, and say nothing. Continuing the culture we've allowed to flourish until is smothers us all in apathy.