Monday, February 8, 2010

Anger as a Motivator

I think most people use the terms hate and anger interchangeably which causes a lot of confusion to say the least. Hate is reactionary, volatile and inherently destructive emotion for both the creator as well as the recipient because its a flowing energy like a river. It must go somewhere. Just like love must go somewhere. Its compulsory, it makes you do things. You manifest anger with hate, you manifest love with sacrifice.

The biggest issue with hate is that it serves no real purpose in a civil society. You can not purge yourself of hate without destroying the instigator of that hate. Witch means the inevitable destruction of institutions or lives. A general disdain from imprisonment keeps the vast majority of people restrained enough to never destroy those they hate so they are at an impasse. They are filled with hate which only severs to destroy but they can not, so the hate turns inward. At some point you begin to hate yourself for not being able to unleash your wrath on the instigator and it builds upon itself until it becomes a rage. This rage turned inward is known as depression.

I think much of whats wrong with the world today is because we've got all of this bottled up hate that we have no constructive outlet for. We're told what to do what to like, how to behave. How to think, how to speak while the entire time suppressing who we really are and what we really feel. We cant tell jokes or make light of an uncomfortable situation less offend the politically correct, we cant take a side or have an opinion without having an adversary to shout us down. In our heart we know of this betrayal to ourselves, and deep down in a dark place it fills us with resentment and hate. Its no wonder we're so medicated and distracted, blinking lights and sound bites. If we actually stopped for a moment to actually experience the things we feel, and discuss the ideas we have we just might find we're not so different from one another.

Anger I find can be one of the best motivators within the human emotional pallet. It is a state of being, a presence, like a lake or a mountain that exists for its own sake, never evolves and can remain for eons just like its counterpart, serenity. It is not an action orientated emotion like love or hate is. You are not compelled to do something to resolve anger it can co-exist with you internally just like serenity. This is where courage and fortitude is manifested and integrity is forged without being compelled to destroy.

It is anger that allows you to stand in the face of adversity and say “I will not fail” while others try to destroy you. It is anger that can fuel the fires deep in your spirit to keep thrusting one foot before the next shutting out pain, ignoring fear and defeating the desire to quit. The anger burns with the loss of your self respect, the birth of the self loathing you would see looking back with the eyes in the mirror each morning. Anger is the calculated sum of measuring yourself against your goal, or principals and to find yourself wanting on the scales of your own merciless judgment.

In my world, this scale of moral evaluation is the essence of integrity. For a man who can not disappoint himself is a man who is not held accountable to any law.

1 comment:

  1. What's that old saying...something about how stand up for what you believe in, even though you may be standing alone. We can be too quick to anger or hate or harm ourselves or others. What we forget is that controlling one's emotions is a day to day battle. Who will win?
