Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The experts are the new oracles.

Spoken to us with the absolute authority of the computer we bow down before them, god's own gift to the liar. Through our own ignorance and fear we listen with wild rapture, suspending our own experience and beliefs for the hope of enlightenment from those who speak for us. In the beginning it was the false prophets who sought power at the pulpit saving our souls and taking our tithe.

Now, the prophets are everywhere and we hear the oracles decry that the world is safe, that the system is working, that you have nothing to fear but the fear that is provided to you and the comfort that the oracles masters will ensure your survival. And we listen, and we believe, blindly trusting those we do not know, cannot question projecting experience, education and confidence. Without exception, were we to question their authority means banishment and ridicule. To not surrender our beliefs for their assimilation is met with anger and vehemence to the quietest whisper of “Bullshit”. Redoubled efforts to repeat their current message on deaf ears through thinly veiled rage and bewildered astonishment is the follow up as if by repeating the same hollow information the recipient will catch on to their role and follow blindly to the slaughter house.

So long now have the oracles spoken with impunity that we the masses no longer can hear the difference between their opinion and simple fact. So blurred is the line that the message has ceased to be what we need to know, and become what we should think. Common sense and the desire to question is lost in the seamless flow from one message to the next as we surf the hypnotic trance of instigating fear and alleviating the threat in one carefully crafted statement. A scripted exercise of providing comfort to the cause before the consumer even has the time to rationalize the fearful emotion for themselves. Had they more time they may determine the irrationality of having felt fear to begin with, though without is absolute in its ability to conform and control.

With the condition resolved, one seldom goes back to reexamine the traumatic emotional flow we just experienced. Instead it settles into the psyche as a fading bruise or light scar little more than a memory were it not for its lasting impression. In lieu of outrage, an unwarranted emotional bloom of gratitude seeps from the faded scar. Grateful to the oracle and their masters who so swiftly resolved the issue they themselves had created putting our minds to rest so we may sleep again in docile compliance.

So powerful are these oracles that global industries spring to action to protect their prophesies and their predictions or else by their inaction reveal that the experts are not in unison and the message may be flawed. Woe to the masses if a light shines through the clouds of rape and despair with the glow of wisdom or rational thought. The experts who in private council scoff at each other’s revelations stand unified as one voice to the public maintaining their ever present and consistent message. Be afraid, don't worry, we're here to protecting you, never mind the man behind that curtain. 

We listen to the talking heads on CNN, and go about our lives sitting in coach selecting the pointless airplane mode button on our cell phones, complacent and content to obey the oracles. With white knuckled grips on our preferred opinions we no longer discuss original thought or question authority, rather we passionately argue the sound bites of our preferred information source. When compelled by a dissident to think on their own, a glassy eyed stare and righteous indignation is the reward.

Manufactured consumers through decades of depreciating education and constant interference to imagination, willfully ignore the realities of the world they exist within. All the while fighting off those who would stimulate their rational minds and threaten their complacent symbiotic relationship with the experts. So entrenched is their blindness that most can’t even articulate what they want for dinner let alone what they want for their future. Short term gray memories ensure that they will not recall the message was the opposite last week and limited imagination will keep them from predicting the new message next week. Not beyond the reach of the oracles is the depression and apathy they find ever present in the background from an unfulfilled, shallow and pre-determined existence. They are sick, take your pills, it’s not your fault, it’s a disease.

Though it is their fault. By making the imagination of one’s mind irrelevant, expression of ideas suppressed, and the satisfaction of learning something new and different pointless, you never satisfy the true needs of the mind. Fundamentally designed to create, explore and diversify itself to be spoon fed every thought, feeling and experience it withers and dies on the vine. The flesh so easy to satisfy in consumerism and sexuality, never touches the recesses of the mind where the soul resides. So year by year, and now through generations we as a society are regressing to a more primitive existence. Where once food, survival and fucking were all that occupied the conscious mind, now the objectives are; shopping, fucking and entertainment.

We're doomed.

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